
- NIMka Math Coaching Classes follows the 'Learning by Doing' methodology.
- Complete after-school Math curriculum is addressed here.
- Strong foundation building classes from Std I to VIII.
- NIMka's Coaches are Guides, not Instructors who Instruct.
- Every sum is graded in a ladder pattern of difficulty.
- Thorough understanding of the 'concepts' helps in tackling all kinds of Sums.
- Every class has a past class reinforcement making learning permanent.
- Touch & feel models and activities are part of every class’s learning process. Apart from making it interesting, the student’s understanding would be superior.
- NIMka Curriculum is completely structured on NCERT guidelines, while taking into consideration multiple boards of the country.
- Unique Assessment methodology meticulously following Rubrics methodology.
- Speed, Accuracy and Solving methodology are stressed throughout the year. Children are made ready for the School Annual Exams and Face other Competitive Exams.
Investment Details
Master Investment Amount in Rs.
Not Mentoined
Single Investment Amount in Rs.
Not Mentoined
Operations Commenced On
No. Of Franchises:
Franchise Outlets
Franchise Cost:
Establishment in year:
Establishment in year