Slumberzone New Zealand

In a single Investment of INR 50 Lakhs, we offer you complete stock, branding & start up of your own store. Further, we give you free one year of advertising with a well known face as Brand Ambassador. We offer you unmatched quality in premium mattresses and complete staff training to sell the products. We definitely want your store to be located in a premium Mall to avoid dust and also get an assured walk-in. Talk to us for a an assured profit plan. Offer is only for first 6 franchises. |
Investment Details
Master Investment Amount in Rs.
Rs. 20Lac - 30Lac
Rs. 40Lac - 50Lac
Rs. 50Lac - 60Lac
Rs. 40Lac - 50Lac
Rs. 50Lac - 60Lac
Single Investment Amount in Rs.
Rs. 10Lac - 20Lac
Operations Commenced On
Franchise Cost:
Establishment in year:
Area Required:
Area Required Space
1000 - 1200 sft in a Mall
Founder Name
Slumberzone New Zealand